ShockDisplaysmart LINK
Extremely robust logger, fully equipped real-time tracker with highly sensitive shock sensors for an exact proof of transport quality in the web portal and status report via Bluetooth.

for the monitoring of risk situations.
Transport, storage, rough and remote conditions – in situations like these, your sensitive products or systems are exposed to special risks. MONILOG® RISK LOGGERS measure, signal and record the external influences which pose a serious situational risk to the value and functionality of your goods.
Where are your transported goods? Which loads are the goods and have the goods been exposed to?
Are the environmental conditions appropriate for your stored goods? Were and are the goods stable? Are there any handling risks at the storage location?
Do external influences endanger the operation of your system, for example in the offshore area? When do you as the operator have to intervene?
Get to know our selection of MONILOG® RISK LOGGERS. Whether transport monitoring or other risk situations - we offer you an extensive range of data loggers which we adapt flexibly to your situational risks.
What do you want to measure, signal or record? MONILOG® RISK LOGGERS offer the sensors
you need for your individual risk profile.
As your integrated development, service and support partner, we are there for you in all questions concerning the determination of measured values, device modification as well as operation and evaluation.
Our product finder will qualify your individual data logger requirement with just a few questions.
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